Hi 👋I'm Camy, Intuitive Life & Business Coach 🔮

✨I help perfectionists, and high achievers stop beating themselves up. 

Do do you wake up with a feeling of anxiety and always think you are not doing enough? Do you have a long to-do list, and worry about disappointing people? Is it hard for you to say "no" without justifying it? If so, your worry stops here.

I can help you.

➡️It’s time to get control over your thoughts, emotions and energy.

The problem is not your 'to-do' list, your partner or your clients' demands. It is the way your brain tells you that no matter what - it is just never enough. The good news is, I can help you. We can break the pattern so you can have work life balance. More ease.

✨My method is a simple 4-part process called Perfectionist Protocol.

And it's worked for all of my overachieving clients -- even the skeptical ones ; )

➡️To get started, you can sign up for my FREE video series that helps you recognize and reframe your perfectionism.

If you're ready to learn more about 1:1 coaching around perfectionism or making more money in your business, book a free 60 minute consult using the link below! 

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🧘🏼‍♀️Soul-Led Life & Business Breathwork

Welcome to a transformative Soul-Led experience to reconnect to yourself through the breath. 

🔮 Manifest Abundance Now

Manifest Abundance NOW is a 4 week academy intensive to overcome the fact that you are blocking your blessings!

Learn the actual process to allow yourself to transform, feel good, and receive the things you desire! 

Course consists of recorded LIVE Zoom calls, pre-recorded calls and FB LIVE calls.

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